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Scientists discover ancient source of oxygen deep in the Earth’s crust

Scientists at Newcastle University have uncovered a source of oxygen that may have influenced the evolution of life before the advent of photosynthesis. The pioneering...

An interstellar meteor struck the earth in 2014, and now scientists want to search...

Back in 2014, an object crashed into the ocean just off the coast of Papua New Guinea. Data collected at the time indicated that the...

Volcanic super-eruptions were formed over millions of years, followed by swift surge

Researchers at the University of Bristol and Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre have discovered that super-eruptions occur when huge accumulations of magma deep in...

Scientists discover a super-earth near the habitable zone of a red dwarf

A super-Earth planet has been found near the habitable zone of a red dwarf star only 37 light-years from the Earth. This is the first...

Scientists discover places on the moon where it’s always ‘sweater weather’

People could potentially live and work in lunar pits and caves with steady temperatures in the 60s. Future human explorers on the moon might have...

Every bird has some dinosaur form, shows study

All baby birds have a moment prior to hatching when their hip bone is a tiny replica of a dinosaur’s pelvis. That’s one of the...

Plesiosaurs weren’t just marine animals, show fossils in Sahara Desert

Fossils of small plesiosaurs, long-necked marine reptiles from the age of dinosaurs, have been found in a 100-million year old river system that is...

Scientists discover Ice Age human footprints in Utah desert

Human footprints believed to date from the end of the last ice age have been discovered on the salt flats of the Air Force’s...

Scientists find recycled glass in floors of 1700 years old luxury Greek villa

Although this 1700 years old luxury villa was excavated and examined both in 1856 and in the 1990s, it still has secrets to reveal. New...

How did Earth avoid a Mars-like fate?

Approximately 1,800 miles beneath our feet, swirling liquid iron in the Earth’s outer core generates our planet’s protective magnetic field. This magnetic field is invisible...