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Prehistoric marine predator unveils ocean evolution since the age of dinosaurs

In a recent discovery, paleontologists have unveiled a new species of marine lizard that roamed the oceans around 66 million years ago, during the...

Wealthy nations use six times more resources, cause tenfold climate impact: study

The Earth's appetite for natural resources has seen a dramatic threefold increase over the past five decades, driven largely by a global surge in...

The tale of timeless fishes

Once upon a time, in 1859, a man named Charles Darwin introduced the world to the idea of "living fossils." These are creatures that seem...

Where does lightning strike? New maps pinpoint 36.8 million yearly ground strike points in...

It’s been a warm day, maybe even a little humid, and the tall clouds in the distance remind you of cauliflower. You hear a sharp...

Neanderthals invented the world’s first ‘super glue’, shows study

Long before the invention of super glue in our modern world, Neanderthals were ahead of their time, creating an adhesive that has left scientists...

New lightweight fish pen could move farms to deeper seas

Scientists from the University of Queensland have taken a big step forward in fish farming by creating a new kind of fish pen that...

This planet-forming disk has more water than Earth’s oceans

Astronomers have detected a large amount of water vapour in the protoplanetary disk around a young star. There’s at least three times as much water...

Where is the best place to see UFOs?

In a remarkable turn of events, the phenomenon of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), once relegated to the fringes of serious discourse, has captured the...

A glacier fracture speeds at 80 mph, unveiling ice sheet collapse physics

In a new study by the University of Washington, researchers have unveiled what might be the quickest large-scale ice shelf fracture ever observed. This event...

Could tardigrades have colonized the Moon

Just over five years ago, on 22 February 2019, an unmanned space probe was placed in orbit around the Moon. Named Beresheet and built by...