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Maya more warlike than previously thought, says new study

The Maya of Central America are thought to have been a kinder, gentler civilization, especially compared to the Aztecs of Mexico. At the peak of...

Every living thing on Earth stems from same 20 amino acids, and now scientists...

Earth didn't always harbor life. But around 4 billion years ago, something in the environment changed, and systems with biological properties began to emerge. Many scientists...

Scientists recreate the sun’s solar wind and plasma ‘burps’ on Earth

The sun's solar wind affects nearly everything in the solar system. It can disrupt the function of Earth's satellites and creates the lights of the...

Scientists find cold, dry planets could have a lot of hurricanes!

Hurricanes usually mean water as they use warm, moist air for fuel. However, new simulations show they can form in extremely cold, dry climates. A climate...

Scientists discover world’s smallest fossil monkey in Amazon jungle

A team of Peruvian and American scientists has uncovered the 18-million-year-old remains of the smallest fossil monkey ever found. A fossilized tooth found in Peru's...

Underwater glacial melting is occurring much faster than predicted

Underwater melting of tidewater glaciers is occurring much faster than previously thought, according to a new study by researchers at Rutgers and the University...

Moon has more water ice than previously thought–it’s just buried below the surface

There may be enough water to sustain a future lunar settlement. The polar regions of the moon may contain significantly more water ice than previously...

Here’s how Jurassic mammals went from big gulps to small swallows

Researchers have found the earliest known evidence of a mammal predecessor with sophisticated bones at the back of the neck that allowed for swallowing...

This bird-like dinosaur is the oldest unearthed in North America

A team of paleontologists from the UK and US have identified a one of a kind 150 million-year-old dinosaur skeleton. The specimen has been classified...

Scientists discover over 80 small horned dinosaurs

With fossils from more than 80 individual dinosaurs, Auroraceratops rugosus, an early horned dinosaur is one of the best represented dinosaur species ever found. Many...