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Texas’ growing hydrogen industry needs a lot of water, study finds

Hydrogen is a clean energy source that can be made in different ways, but all methods require large amounts of water. A new study from...

Water may be older than we thought—forming soon after the big bang

Water is essential for life, but when did it first appear in the universe? A new study suggests that water may have formed much earlier...

Cyclone Alfred is expected to hit southeast Queensland—the first in 50 years to strike...

If you're in southeast Queensland, brace yourself. Tropical Cyclone Alfred is expected to cross the southeast Queensland coast late this Thursday as a Category 2...

Antarctica’s melting ice is slowing the world’s strongest ocean current

New research has found that melting Antarctic ice sheets are slowing down the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC)—the world's strongest ocean current. This slowdown could have...

Frozen in fire: How a Vesuvius ash cloud turned a Roman’s brain to glass

In 79 CE, Mount Vesuvius erupted, destroying the Roman city of Herculaneum. Thousands of people were killed instantly. Now, scientists have made a shocking discovery—inside...

Earth’s acid test: How oceans became friendly for life

Scientists from Yale University and Singapore have developed a new model to estimate when Earth’s oceans became less acidic, allowing life to begin. Their research...

How early life on Earth got the nitrogen it needed

Life on Earth needs nitrogen. It is an essential building block for proteins and DNA, helping all living things grow and function. Even though nitrogen makes...

Earth’s ice age cycles: How orbital shifts shape our climate

Scientists have long known that Earth's climate goes through cycles of ice ages and warmer periods. Around 2.5 million years ago, the planet entered a...

Mars’s northern ice cap is surprisingly young

If you’ve ever looked at Mars through a telescope, you probably noticed its two polar ice caps. The northern one is made largely of water...

Scientists solve mystery of the pink shores in the Red Sea

Visitors to the shores of Eilat in the northern Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, during March and April in recent years have witnessed an...