
Low-carbon diet may benefit both your health and the Earth

In a new study, researchers found eating a low-carbon diet is good both for people’s health and the planet. They examined the carbon footprint of...

The 20th century was the hottest in nearly 2,000 years, studies show

Two new studies show that the 20th century was the Earth’s warmest period recorded in 2,000 years of the planet’s record. The studies further indicate...

Underwater glacial melting is occurring much faster than predicted

Underwater melting of tidewater glaciers is occurring much faster than previously thought, according to a new study by researchers at Rutgers and the University...

Scientists solve the mystery of the disappearing jumbo squid

The culprit responsible for the decline of Mexico’s once lucrative jumbo squid fishery has remained a mystery, until now. A new Stanford-led study published in...

Common black plastics in food packaging could create renewable energy

Scientists have found how plastics commonly found in food packaging can be recycled to create new materials like wires for electricity - and could...

Air pollution may speed up lung aging, boosting COPD

In a new study, researchers found that exposure to outdoor air pollution is linked to decreased lung function and an increased risk of developing...

Hundreds of sharks and rays tangled in plastic waste

Hundreds of sharks and rays have become tangled in plastic waste in the world's oceans, new research shows. University of Exeter scientists scoured existing published...

Are these five things on your hurricane supply list?

You stocked up on batteries and canned food — good! But it’s easy to overlook some less obvious disaster supplies. Before a storm is looming, check...
Steering wind power in a new direction could improve production at wind farms

Steering wind power in a new direction could boost production at wind farms

Angling turbines slightly away from the wind can boost energy produced overall and even out the otherwise variable supply, says Stanford study. What's good for...

Melting of Himalayan glaciers has doubled in recent years, says study

A newly comprehensive study shows that melting of Himalayan glaciers caused by rising temperatures has accelerated dramatically since the start of the 21st century. The...