
COVID-19 in wastewater can be infectious, study shows

In a new study, researchers found wastewater containing the COVID-19 virus may be a serious threat. The research was conducted by a team from the...

Air pollution plays a big role in development of heart disease, diabetes

Air pollution is the world's leading environmental risk factor and causes more than nine million deaths per year. In a new study, researchers found air...

As hurricane season and COVID-19 pandemic collide, here’s how to stay safe

With forecasts showing an "extremely active" hurricane season and the entire country under varying degrees of grappling with physical distancing and fallout of the...

Higher BPA exposure linked to higher death risk, new study shows

In a new study, researchers found higher bisphenol A (BPA) exposure is associated with an increased risk for all-cause mortality in a nationally representative...

Low humidity increases COVID risk; another reason to wear a mask

In a new study, researchers found an association between lower humidity and an increase in community transmission. They focused on the Greater Sydney area during...

Warming climate may trigger this disease outbreak in Southern California

In a new study, researchers found as climate change brings hotter weather to Southern California, coastal populations from San Diego to Santa Barbara may...

How pollution can affect brain health

In two new studies, researchers found how fine particle pollution—the tiny, inhalable pollutants from cars and power plants—impacts our brains. The first study found that...

Scientists make tough plastics in cars and electrical appliances recyclable

Thermoset polymers, found in car parts and electrical appliances, have to be durable and heat resistant. But typically, they cannot be easily recycled or...

Regular exercise could prevent high blood pressure, even in areas of high air pollution

In a new study, researchers found people who regularly exercise tend to have a lower risk of high blood pressure, even if they live...

Eating fish may help protect your brain from air pollution

In a new study, researchers found older women who eat more than one to two servings a week of baked or broiled fish or...