
Half of Americans’ IQ harmed by lead exposure in last century

In 1923, lead was first added to gasoline to help keep car engines healthy. However, automotive health came at the great expense of our...

Tire dumps and aging mattresses may soon be relics of the past

Despite research and policy efforts, recycling initiatives have skidded on more complex materials like tires and mattresses, filling dumps and natural land across the...

How Earth transformed from fiery ball to habitable planet

Researchers at Yale and Caltech have a bold new theory to explain how Earth transformed itself from a fiery, carbon-clouded ball of rocks into...

Why did those birds crash and die?

You’ve probably seen the video — or at least heard some chirpings about it. Footage from a security camera in Cuauhtémoc, a city in Chihuahua,...

Almost all of earth’s natural coasts have disappeared

Only 15.5% of the Earth’s coastal areas remained ecologically intact as of 2013, researchers report. The finding is the result of a study that for...

Giant mountains across supercontinents controlled the evolution of life on Earth

Giant mountain ranges at least as high as the Himalayas and stretching up to 8,000 kilometers across entire supercontinents played a crucial role in...

Scientists develop game-changing tech to capture 99% of carbon dioxide from air

University of Delaware (UD) engineers have demonstrated a way to effectively capture 99% of carbon dioxide from air using a novel electrochemical system powered...

Scientists detect 4 new COVID variants in New York City wastewater

First Delta, then Omicron. The latest COVID variants have spread like wildfire across the globe in recent months, leading many scientists to wonder when...

The inside of your car may be dirtier than the average toilet, study finds

In a new study from Aston University, researchers found that the inside of our cars has significantly higher levels of germs on them than...

Best food to counter the effects of air pollution

I’ve been reading about the terrible effects of air pollution for a long time and am thrilled there’s something we can do other than...