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Scientist make new breakthrough in rechargeable lithium metal battery

A Stanford-led research team invented a new coating that could finally make lightweight lithium metal batteries safe and long-lasting, which could usher in the...

Scientists create steady robots with the help of cockroach

Ew, a cockroach! But it zips off before the swatter appears. Now, researchers have leveraged the bug’s superb scurrying skills to create a cleverly simple...

Nano-thermometer can now take a single cell’s temperature

How do you know a cell has a fever? Take its temperature. That’s now possible thanks to research by Rice University scientists who used the...

Scientists create artificial ‘chameleon skin’ powered by nanomachines

Researchers have developed artificial 'chameleon skin' that changes color when exposed to light and could be used in applications such as active camouflage and...

Physicists create world’s smallest engine

The engine is approximately ten billion times smaller than that of a car, and could one day help recycle waste heat and thus improve...

New way to turn any sheet of material into any shape using kirigami cuts

Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed a mathematical framework that can turn any sheet...

Light could become the new electricity

A new device called a nanoscale photon diode could eventually enable next-generation computing, communication and energy conversion technologies. The future of faster, more efficient information...

New finding could change the way industry uses nickel

A surprising discovery has found that nickel not only corrodes, but does so in a way that scientists least expected. Nickel is one of the...

Scientists create greener and cheaper way to make patterned metals for solar cells

Patterning metals for electronics and solar cells can be slow, expensive and involve toxic chemicals Scientists from the Department of Chemistry at the University of...

Scientists create thinnest optical device in the world

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed the thinnest optical device in the world—a waveguide that is three layers of atoms...