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Scientists discover hidden symmetries, opening new avenues for material design

When you knock on a melon to see if it’s ripe, you are using sound waves to probe the structure of the material inside. Physicists...

Special solar panels could work when the sun goes down

A special kind of solar cell could work at night, researchers say. In fact, the specially designed photovoltaic cell could generate up to 50 watts...

Scientists create 3D-printed, sweating robot muscle

Just when it seemed like robots couldn't get any cooler, Cornell researchers have created a soft robot muscle that can regulate its temperature through...

Scientists create new bio-inspired wing design for small drones

Researchers from Brown University have designed a new type of wing that could make small fixed-wing drones far more stable and efficient. The new wing...

New special solar cells could generate power at night

What if solar cells worked at night? That's no joke, according to Jeremy Munday, professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC...

Scientists find new way to produce instant hydrogen

Since the Industrial Revolution, the environmental impacts of energy have posed a concern. Recently, this has driven researchers to search for viable options for clean...

How an autonomous, drifting DeLorean can improve driver safety

As the DeLorean rolled to a stop and the cloud of tire smoke cleared, Jon Goh peeked out the sliver of the passenger-side window...

For cheaper solar cells, thinner really is better

Costs of solar panels have plummeted over the last several years, leading to rates of solar installations far greater than most analysts had expected. But...

Researchers expand microchip capability with new 3D inductor technology

Smaller is better when it comes to microchips. By using 3D components on a standardized 2D microchip manufacturing platform, researchers can use up to 100...

New ultrafast camera could take 1 trillion frames per second of transparent objects

A little over a year ago, Caltech's Lihong Wang developed the world's fastest camera, a device capable of taking 10 trillion pictures per second. It...