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This wearable sensor could survive washing machine, cars, and hammers

Think about your favorite t-shirt, the one you have worn a hundred times, and all the abuse you've put it through. You have washed it...

Mining rocks in orbit could help deep space exploration

The first mining experiments conducted in space could pave the way for new technologies to help humans explore and establish settlements on distant worlds,...

New innovative system could keep items cool without electricity

MIT researchers have developed a two-layer passive cooling system, made of hydrogel and aerogel, that can keep foods and pharmaceuticals cool for days without...

Scientists 3D print biomedical parts with supersonic speed

Forget glue, screws, heat or other traditional bonding methods. A Cornell University-led collaboration has developed a 3D printing technique that creates cellular metallic materials by...

Scientists develop high-power, portable terahertz laser

The instrument could bring powerful sensing and imaging capabilities out of the lab and into hospitals, airports, or other settings. Researchers at MIT and the...

Scientists 3D print first ever synthetic tongue surface

Scientists have created synthetic soft surfaces with tongue-like textures for the first time using 3D printing. This opens the new possibilities for testing oral processing...

This wearable sensor could help ALS patients communicate

Researchers have designed a skin-like device that can measure small facial movements in patients who have lost the ability to speak. People with amyotrophic lateral...

Scientists create heated face mask to filter and inactivate coronaviruses

Face masks have been shown to be effective at filtering out viruses such as the SARS-CoV-2 virus, thereby reducing the risk of infection. A team...

Scientists borrow solar panel tech to create ultrahigh-resolution OLED display

By expanding on existing designs for electrodes of ultra-thin solar panels, Stanford researchers and collaborators in Korea have developed a new architecture for OLED—organic...

New ultrafast camera could film 3D movies at 100 billion frames per second

In his quest to bring ever-faster cameras to the world, Caltech's Lihong Wang has developed technology that can reach blistering speeds of 70 trillion...