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Scientists build promising supercapacitor for electronics and electric vehicles

A new supercapacitor based on manganese oxide could combine the storage capacity of batteries with the high power and fast charging of other supercapacitors,...

Scientists rewire photosynthesis to fuel our future

Hydrogen is an essential commodity with over 60 million tons produced globally every year. However over 95 percent of it is made by steam reformation...

New biosolar cell could power sensors for ‘internet of things’

Right now, we live in a world where many of our various gadgets are connected, from computers and thermostats to refrigerators and smart watches. Futurists...

Print your own laboratory-grade microscope for US$18

For the first time, labs around the world can 3D print their own precision microscopes to analyze samples and detect diseases, thanks to an...

New ultrafast camera takes 70 trillion pictures per second

Just about everyone has had the experience of blinking while having their picture taken. The camera clicks, your eyes shut, and by the time they...

New material could turn heat energy into electricity to power small electronics

Researchers have found a way to convert heat energy into electricity with a nontoxic material. The material is mostly iron which is extremely cheap given...

High density imaging offers solution to counterfeiting

Governments, industry, and consumers have faced the issue of counterfeit goods for a long time. Advancements in technology and growing use of the internet has...

Scientists find new way to create high-energy lithium-ion batteries

In recent years, lithium-ion batteries have become better at supplying energy to Soldiers in the field, but the current generation of batteries never reaches...

Two steps closer to flexible, powerful, fast bioelectronic devices

Researchers are developing bioelectronic devices that are not only fast, sensitive, biocompatible, soft, and flexible, but also have long-term stability in physiological environments such...

New tech may turn low-cost printers into high-tech producers

The Army has a new type of multi-polymer filament for commonly-used desktop 3-D printers. This advance may save money and facilitate fast printing of critical...