Scientists develop new way to make solar cells
In a new study, researchers develop a better method to use formamidinium lead iodide to produce solar cells.
The new finding may help produce high-quality...
Scientists discover better way to produce hydrogen fuel
In a new study, researchers have developed a more cost-effective way to produce hydrogen fuel from water.
The new method uses nanoparticles composed of nickel...
Scientists find new way to generate hydrogen fuel from seawater
In a new study, Stanford researchers developed a new way to generate hydrogen fuel using solar power, electrodes, and saltwater from San Francisco Bay.
Why do some gas stations charge more for fuel than others?
People who drive regularly are keenly aware of gas prices and their daily fluctuations.
Many things can influence the price per gallon, including the cost...
Engineers develop new solar-powered moisture harvester to collect water from air
Currently, access to clean water remains one of the biggest challenges facing humankind.
But a new study from The University of Texas at Austin may...
New hope to power electronic devices via desk lamp
In a new study, researchers make a step toward running electronic devices in homes and offices with light from lamps scattered around the room.
New wearable device could harvest energy effectively
In a new study, researchers have created a new wearable technology to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
The research was conducted by researchers from...
New fuel cells could power drones, electric aircraft
In a new study, researchers have developed a new type of high-power fuel cells.
The new fuel cells could operate at double the voltage of...
New way to develop better solar cells
In a new study, researchers have found a new way to control light (photoluminescence) emitted by exotic crystal semiconductors.
This can help develop more efficient...
Better battery recycling can help cut electric car greenhouse gas emission
A new study from Carnegie Mellon University has shown that better battery recycling can help cut electric car emission.
It is known that electric vehicles...