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Scientists find new way to store energy and absorb CO2

Bioengineered microbes may one day be used to store the sun’s energy, as well as absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide to later turn it into...

High-rate li-ion batteries demonstrate superior safety, shows study

As the inevitable growth of transport electrification continues, the types of batteries that will be used in such vehicles, their charging parameters, infrastructure and...

This flexible rechargeable battery is 10 times more powerful than state of the art

A team of researchers has developed a flexible, rechargeable silver oxide-zinc battery with a five to 10 times greater areal energy density than state...

Scientists figure out how to track what happens inside batteries

The future of mobility is electric cars, trucks and airplanes. But there is no way a single battery design can power that future. Even your cell...

Scientists find new way to convert ammonia into hydrogen seamlessly

Northwestern University researchers have developed a highly effective, environmentally friendly method for converting ammonia into hydrogen. Outlined in a recent publication in the journal Joule,...

Scientists develop new printed solid-state batteries

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are widely used in portable electronic devices, electric vehicles, and grid-scale energy storage systems. Safety of Li-ion batteries, however, has been called...

Quantum tunneling pushes the limits of self-powered sensors

Using quantum tunneling, scientists have developed self-powered sensors that can run for more than a year. Shantanu Chakrabartty's laboratory has been working to create sensors...

New innovative system could keep items cool without electricity

MIT researchers have developed a two-layer passive cooling system, made of hydrogel and aerogel, that can keep foods and pharmaceuticals cool for days without...

Scientists develop lead-free magnetic perovskites for energy storage

Scientists at Linköping University, Sweden, have taken a step forwards and developed an optoelectronic magnetic double perovskite. The discovery opens the possibility to couple spintronics...

This luminescent wood could light up homes of the future

The right indoor lighting can help set the mood, from a soft romantic glow to bright, stimulating colors. But some materials used for lighting, such...