New batteries offer sustainable alternative to lithium-ion batteries
The cost of harvesting solar energy has dropped so much in recent years that it's giving traditional energy sources a run for their money.
This cheap solar-powered water filter could remove contaminants
A new invention that uses sunlight to drive water purification could help solve the problem of providing clean water off the grid.
The device resembles...
New material could improve energy efficiency of spintronics devices
As computers and electronic devices get smaller and smaller, engineers are developing new technologies to enable devices to shrink even further while improving performance.
Scientists harvest energy from radio waves to power wearable devices
From microwave ovens to Wi-Fi connections, the radio waves that permeate the environment are not just signals of energy consumed but are also sources...
Floating solar farms could help reduce impacts of climate change on lakes and reservoirs
Floating solar farms could help to protect lakes and reservoirs from some of the harms of climate change, a new study suggests.
However, given the...
Scientists make new battery ten times better than all previous versions
Scientists have produced a structural battery that performs ten times better than all previous versions.
It contains carbon fiber that serves simultaneously as an electrode,...
New material could make renewable energy from water, shows study
One prospective source of renewable energy is hydrogen gas produced from water with the aid of sunlight.
Researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, have developed a...
Scientists find simpler way to massively produce perovskite solar cells
A new, simpler solution process for fabricating stable perovskite solar cells overcomes the key bottleneck to large-scale production and commercialization of this promising renewable-energy...
Scientists find better material to improve supercapacitors
A sustainable, powerful micro-supercapacitor may be on the horizon.
Until now, the high-capacity, fast-charging energy storage devices have been limited by the composition of their...
How to prevent short-circuiting in next-gen lithium batteries
As researchers push the boundaries of battery design, seeking to pack ever greater amounts of power and energy into a given amount of space...