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These solar cells could last 30 years and turn buildings into power plants

A new transparency-friendly solar cell design could marry high efficiencies with 30-year estimated lifetimes, researchers report. It may pave the way for windows that also...

Scientists discover new super material for batteries and other energy conversion devices

Unplanned discovery could lead to future pivotal discoveries in batteries, fuel cells, devices for converting heat to electricity and more. Scientists normally conduct their research...

New laser captures energy like noise-cancelling headphones

Physicists at The Australian National University (ANU) have developed extremely powerful microscopic lasers that are even smaller than the wavelength of the light they...

Scientists develop longer lasting lithium sulfur batteries with sugar

Simply by adding sugar, researchers from the Monash Energy Institute have created a longer-lasting, lighter, more sustainable rival to the lithium-ion batteries that are...

Scientists develop extremely energy-efficient technology to transport data

Researchers from The Australian National University (ANU) have developed a system to transport data using atomically-thin semiconductors in a way that is extremely energy-efficient. The...

Scientists find potential way to convert food waste into batteries

What do apple cores, spent grain, and walnut shells have in common? They could one day be used to power a data center. As the...

Scientists develop new ultrafast, energy-efficient memory chip for computing

Scientists have spent decades searching for faster, more energy-efficient memory technologies for everything from large data centers to mobile sensors and other flexible electronics. Among...

This accordion-like device could expand 800% and still store energy

Some electronics can bend, twist and stretch in wearable displays, biomedical applications and soft robots. While these devices’ circuits have become increasingly pliable, the batteries...

Microbatteries on chips could help make wearable sensors

Fitbits, car windows, oil refineries—the roll call of devices and technologies that rely on ultra-small sensors already numbers in the hundreds of billions. Sensors measure...

Footsteps on these wooden floors could power small electronic devices

Researchers from Switzerland are tapping into an unexpected energy source right under our feet: wooden floors. Their nanogenerator, presented in the journal Matter, enables wood...