
Dark mode may not save your smartphone’s battery life as much as you think,...

When Android and Apple operating system updates started giving users the option to put their smartphones in dark mode, the feature showed potential for...

Scientists find new way to recycle nanowires in electronics

Researchers at North Carolina State University have demonstrated a low-cost technique for retrieving nanowires from electronic devices that have reached the end of their...

New wireless charger could charge multiple devices at the same time

Smartphones and tablets have allowed us to stay in touch regardless of our location, yet they still rely on plugs, sockets, and charging pads...

Smartphone screens could be powerful sensors without modifications

The touchscreen technology used in billions of smartphones and tablets could also be used as a powerful sensor, without the need for any modifications. Researchers...

More exercise and fewer TV hours could protect you from this sleep disease

In a new study from Brigham and Women's Hospital, researchers found that being more physically active and spending fewer hours per day sitting watching...

Autonomous drones beat human racing pilots for the first time

To be useful, drones need to be quick. Because of their limited battery life, they must complete whatever task they have - searching for survivors...

This DIY tracker counts burned calories better than a smartwatch

A system made with two inexpensive sensors is more accurate than smartwatches for tracking calories burned during activity, researchers report. And the instructions for making...

Electronic air cleaners could generate unintended pollutants, shows study

As the Covid-19 pandemic raged, news reports show that sales of electronic air cleaners have surged due to concerns about airborne disease transmission. But a...

Your fitness tracker can detect long COVID symptoms

In a new study from the Scripps Research Translational Institute, researchers found that fitness trackers such as Fitbits or the Apple Watch can help...

More smartphone data use is negatively affecting Wi-Fi performance, study finds

If service becomes slow when you’re trying to send a quick email on your smartphone, you might scroll through your network options and discover...