Researchers develop tiny optical chips for advanced sensing and communication
Infrared light, though invisible, is something we can feel as heat.
It's used in many technologies, like night vision cameras and infrared spectroscopy—a method that...
Breakthrough silicon chip paves the way for 6G wireless communication
A team of scientists has made a significant breakthrough in 6G wireless communication technology by developing a new device called a polarization multiplexer.
This innovation...
New sensor could detect particles 0.001 times smaller than wavelength of light
Recent advancements in sensor technology have pushed the limits of what can be detected, thanks to breakthroughs in photonics and materials science.
One exciting area...
Scientists warn: smart toys might be spying on your kids
Smart toys like Toniebox, Tiptoi, and Tamagotchi are becoming increasingly popular among children, offering interactive and fun experiences through software and internet access.
However, researchers...
Scientists create new transistor for faster, low-power future devices
In the world of electronics, transistors are the key components that power our devices, from smartphones to computers.
As these devices get smaller and more...
Paying for groceries with your face? Are you sure?
As facial recognition payment technology (FRPT) becomes more popular in stores, hotels, and even government services, not everyone is ready to embrace this new...
Your smartwatch is in danger. Study reveals how hackers could steal your personal data
Smartwatches are great for tracking your steps, heart rate, and other health metrics.
But a recent study from Charles Darwin University (CDU) warns that these...
How accurate are wearable fitness trackers? Less than you might think
Back in 2010, Gary Wolf, then the editor of Wired magazine, delivered a TED talk in Cannes called "the quantified self."
It was about what...
New material could supercharge printed electronics and transform everyday objects
Imagine knowing your milk has gone bad without even opening the fridge.
This might sound like science fiction, but it's a glimpse into the future...
Scientists find security flaw in digital wallets: Your cards could be at risk
Digital wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal are becoming increasingly popular, with over 5.3 billion people expected to use them by 2026.