Computer Science

Scientists find new way to make future smart computers more energy efficient

The rapid progression of technology has led to a huge increase in energy usage to process the massive troves of data generated by devices. But...

Video games improve the visual attention of expert players

Expert players of action real-time strategy video games such as League of Legends become better at allocating brain resources between visual stimuli that compete...

Scientists find new way to reduce delays in wireless networks

MIT researchers have designed a congestion-control scheme for wireless networks that could help reduce lag times and increase quality in video streaming, video chat,...

New early warning system to fight disinformation online

Researchers at the University of Notre Dame are using artificial intelligence to develop an early warning system that will identify manipulated images, deepfake videos...

New AI technique could check battery health with 10x higher accuracy

Researchers have designed a machine learning method that can predict battery health with 10x higher accuracy than current industry standard. The new method could aid...

Scientists 3D print ventilator splitters to treat multiple patients

In response to a pressing need for more ventilators to treat critically ill COVID-19 patients, a team led by Johns Hopkins University engineers is...

Some smartphone apps may contain hidden behaviors that users never see

A team of cybersecurity researchers has found that some apps have hidden "backdoor" secrets that could make them vulnerable to hacking. Researchers have discovered that...

Researchers develop faster way to replace bad data in online social networks

Researchers from North Carolina State University and the Army Research Office have demonstrated a new model of how competing pieces of information spread in...

New way to design lightweight glass for efficient cars and wind turbines

A new machine-learning algorithm for exploring lightweight, very stiff glass compositions can help design next-gen materials for more efficient vehicles and wind turbines. Glasses can...

Can gold hold up as electronics shrink to nanoscale?

Deep inside computer chips, tiny wires made of gold and other conductive metals carry the electricity used to process data. But as these interconnected circuits...