Computer Science


Scientists design a new E-textile that can integrate computers into clothing

E-textiles, also called smart clothing or e-fabrics, are fabrics that enable digital components and electronics to be embedded in them. They can be used to...
online survey

What are the last 5 five websites that you visited?

Surveys have been used for more than 150 years to get data about all kinds of opinions, attitudes, but also behaviors. Usually, a standardized questionnaire...
dog reading

How dogs are using media devices

Since their introduction, TV devices have been a popular mass medium for entertaining in almost every home. These media entertainment systems have since been...
Signature Verification

Deep Multitask Metric Learning for Offline Signature Verification

Among different methods of authentication, signature verification has a specific place. The reason is that signing procedure is simple and cheap. Moreover, it is...
Alcatraz Prison

New model to interpret prisoner’s dilemma

Sometimes individual self-interest may conflict social benefit. One of such situations is the Prisoner’s Dilemma, a hypothetical game set up that shows a situation where...
Big health data

A better way to handle big health data

Big Data is helping us make a better world. One important example is its use in healthcare. In 2012, the volume of global health data...
smart energy and green planet

Era of smart energy

Nowadays we have increasing resource and environment problems, and it is urgent to improve energy management. One question is how to use emerging IT technologies,...
Self driving and connected car

Traffic models for self-driving and connected cars

Vehicles are evolving quickly nowadays. For example, a self-driving car can detect surroundings with various techniques like radar, GPS, lidar, and computer vision. The car has...
Big data in smart city

Big data in smart city

Nowadays, the word “smart” means two things: sophisticated computing ability and connection. We use various smart devices in daily life, such as smartphones, smartwatches, tablets,...

How 3-D printing at home saves big bucks

Ever considered getting a 3-D printer for your home? It may sound like a geeky hobby, but a recent study says it could be a...