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Why do my dog’s paws smell like Fritos?

A lot of people seem to think their pup’s paws smell like corn chips. This week on Reactions, we tackle the chemistry behind that smell,...

Scientists find new way to convert ammonia into hydrogen seamlessly

Northwestern University researchers have developed a highly effective, environmentally friendly method for converting ammonia into hydrogen. Outlined in a recent publication in the journal Joule,...

This luminescent wood could light up homes of the future

The right indoor lighting can help set the mood, from a soft romantic glow to bright, stimulating colors. But some materials used for lighting, such...

New self-watering soil could transform farming

A new type of soil created by engineers at The University of Texas at Austin can pull water from the air and distribute it...

5 myths about single-use plastic

Stand in the soda pop aisle at the supermarket, surrounded by rows of brightly colored plastic bottles and metal cans, and it’s easy to...

Scientists crack the secrets of dinosaur eggshells

Since the famous discovery of dinosaur eggs in the Gobi Desert in the early 1920s, the fossilized remains have captured the imaginations of paleontologists...

This patch could help heal broken hearts

According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide in recent years. During a heart attack, or myocardial infarction...

This white paint could keep things cool without air conditioning

What if paint could cool off a building enough to not need air conditioning? Purdue University engineers have created white paint that can keep surfaces...

Why does fertilizer sometimes explode?

Over the last century, the compound ammonium nitrate has been involved in at least 30 disasters and terrorist attacks. Ammonium nitrate is used in things...

This chili-shaped device could reveal how hot a pepper is

Some people love spicy food -- the hotter, the better. Others go out of their way to avoid the palate-singeing burn of capsaicin, the compound...