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Scientists solve a mystery in 126 dimensions

One of the fundamental mysteries of chemistry has been solved by Australian scientists. The result may have implications for future designs of solar cells, organic...

New material could turn clothing into a health monitor

Researchers have reported a new material, pliable enough to be woven into fabric but imbued with sensing capabilities that can serve as an early...

Scientists find a better way to build diamonds

With the right amount of pressure and surprisingly little heat, a substance found in fossil fuels can transform into pure diamond. It sounds like alchemy:...

Not all BPA-free products are safe, study shows

In a new study, researchers found that using "BPA-free" plastic products could be as harmful to human health -- including a developing brain --...

The world’s ‘chemical diversity’ tripled in just 20 years

There are 350,000 chemicals available on the market and in circulation worldwide, according to a new estimate. The last time researchers compiled a list, it...

Common dental floss may increase these toxic chemicals in your body

PFAS chemicals are used in a range of consumer products, including fast food packaging, non-stick pans, waterproof clothing, and stain-resistant carpets. People can be exposed...

Scientists create ‘Chemical gardens’ that can be used as bone substitute materials

A new way of making bone-replacement materials that allows for cells to grow around and inside them has been developed by researchers at the...

Scientists discover new non-sticky gels

Scientists from the University of Bristol and Université Paris-Saclay have discovered a new class of material - non-sticky gels. Until now gels have been made...

Nuclear waste could be recycled for diamond battery power

Scientists from the University of Bristol hope to recycle radioactive material directly from a former nuclear power plant in Gloucestershire to generate ultra-long-lasting power...

Scientists create first stable semiconductor neutron detector

Homeland Security might soon have a new tool to add to its arsenal. Researchers at Northwestern University and Argonne National Laboratory have developed a new...