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Why plastics turn yellow as they age?

If you own a retro gaming console or have an old roll of packing tape, you’ve seen how plastics turn yellow as they age. Though...

Scientists find way to make oxygen injectable

What if emergency medical personnel could treat a desperately ill patient in need of oxygen with a simple injection instead of having to rely...

Scientists find new way to prevent broad range of COVID-19 variants

The virus that causes COVID-19 today is not the same as the one that first sickened people way back in December 2019. Many of the...

Scientists find way to turn plastic waste into valuable resin

A method to convert commonly thrown-away plastic to a resin used in 3D printing could allow for making better use of plastic waste. A team...

MIT instrument could produce oxygen on Mars reliably

On the red and dusty surface of Mars, nearly 100 million miles from Earth, an instrument the size of a lunchbox is proving it...

Scientists find possible diamond factory at Earth’s core-mantle boundary

Steel rusts by water and air on the Earth’s surface. But what about deep inside the Earth’s interior? The Earth’s core is the largest carbon...

New green material could be ultra-strong solar energy harvester

Researchers have identified how controlling the arrangement of atoms in a green material can allow it to harvest sunlight using extremely thin layers. Solar cells...

Scientists develop new method to assess ozone layer recovery

Cambridge scientists have developed a new method for assessing the impacts of ozone-destroying substances that threaten the recovery of the ozone layer. Published in the...

Your next wooden chair could arrive flat, then dry into a 3D shape

Wooden objects are usually made by sawing, carving, bending, or pressing. That’s so old school! Today, scientists will describe how flat wooden shapes extruded by a...

Scientists find the missing carbon monoxide in planet-forming disks

Astronomers frequently observe carbon monoxide in planetary nurseries. The compound is ultra-bright and extremely common in protoplanetary disks — regions of dust and gas where...