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Scientists on the brink of creating a material tougher than diamond

Diamonds are famous for being the hardest natural material on Earth. However, scientists have predicted there's something even tougher called BC8, a special form of...

Scientists find green way to turn greenhouse gas into liquid fuel

Researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill have made an exciting breakthrough in...

Turning gold green: A new eco-friendly way to recycle metals

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have made a big leap forward in recycling metals in an eco-friendly way. They've figured out how...

Making nuclear power safer with molten salts: A breakthrough at MIT

In the race to combat climate change, scientists are looking at every possible source of clean energy, including nuclear power. While many people talk about...

A new reactor turns natural gas into key ingredient and saves millions

In the world of manufacturing, finding cheaper and more efficient ways to produce essential materials is a constant goal. Now, engineers from the University of...

A battery price war is kicking off that could soon make electric cars cheaper....

The main cost of an electric vehicle (EV) is its battery. The high cost of energy-dense batteries has meant EVs have long been more expensive...

New material makes perovskite solar cells better and more stable

Scientists from Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) in Lithuania have made an exciting discovery that could make solar panels better and last longer. They've developed...

New materials can make gadgets wearable and bendable

Imagine being able to wrap your smartphone around your arm like a bracelet or wearing clothes that power up your devices just by having...

New catalyst could make hydrogen production cheaper and greener

Scientists have made a big leap forward in making green energy cheaper and more efficient. They've developed a new kind of catalyst, a substance that...

Futuristic self-warming concrete could end winter woes

Imagine a future where icy sidewalks and roads clear themselves of snow and ice without the need for shoveling, salting, or scraping. This might sound...