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How nanotechnology is transforming prosthetics

Prosthetics have come a long way from the simple wooden legs and hooks of the past. Today, advanced prosthetics can mimic the movement of natural...

Breakthroughs in vaccines for common infections

As we age, our immune systems naturally weaken, making seniors more vulnerable to certain infections. Pneumonia, shingles, and the flu are just a few examples...

Regenerative medicine: healing from within

Imagine a world where damaged organs and tissues could heal themselves, where a failing heart or worn-out cartilage could regenerate just like your skin...

Breakthroughs in genetic engineering in 2024

Genetic engineering, the science of altering DNA to improve or change the characteristics of living things, is making huge strides in 2024. These advancements are...

Breakthroughs in biotechnology for healthcare in 2024

Biotechnology, which uses living systems and organisms to develop new products, is transforming healthcare in incredible ways. In 2024, advancements in this field have opened...

Scientists find way to turn CO₂ into protein and vitamins

Researchers in Germany have developed an exciting new way to produce protein and vitamin B9 using only renewable energy, carbon dioxide (CO₂), and microbes. This...

Scientists create revolutionary bioink from egg whites for advanced tissue engineering

Scientists at the Terasaki Institute have developed a groundbreaking technology using egg whites to create a new type of bioink called egg white methacryloyl...

Scientists develop building blocks for 3D-printed organs

Imagine a future where human organs can be printed on demand. A research team at the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science...

Scientists create 3D-printed fabric for medical devices and soft robots

Scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), have developed a groundbreaking wearable fabric called RoboFabric. This fabric is flexible but can stiffen on demand,...

This implantable LED device uses light to fight deep-seated cancers

Engineers and scientists at the University of Notre Dame have developed a groundbreaking wireless LED device that can be implanted to treat cancers deep...