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Whales learn songs from each other in a cultural ‘deep dive’

A University of Queensland-led study has found humpback whales can learn incredibly complex songs from whales from other regions. Dr Jenny Allen, whose doctoral work...

Scientists reveal the deadly workings of a carnivorous plant

Scientists at the University of Bristol have uncovered the deadly workings of a carnivorous plant. In the steaming jungles of Borneo, plants have evolved innumerable...

Yale scientists find way to restore cell, organ function in pigs after death

Within minutes of the final heartbeat, a cascade of biochemical events triggered by a lack of blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients begins to destroy...

Every bird has some dinosaur form, shows study

All baby birds have a moment prior to hatching when their hip bone is a tiny replica of a dinosaur’s pelvis. That’s one of the...

Flies, roaches not likely to spread COVID-19

Scientists from Texas A&M University found insects like biting flies and cockroaches are not likely to spread the agent of COVID-19 to humans. The research...

Evolution may be predictable, shows plant study

Evolution has long been viewed as a rather random process, with the traits of species shaped by chance mutations and environmental events — and...

How stressed-out plants produce their own aspirin

Plants protect themselves from environmental hazards like insects, drought and heat by producing salicylic acid, also known as aspirin. A new understanding of this process...

Here’s what you need to know about the Varroa mite

Bee populations worldwide have been collapsing under attack from parasitic Varroa mites. Now, these mites have reached Australia. Professor Sasha Mikheyev from The Australian National University...

Great white sharks may have contributed to megalodon extinction

Using zinc isotopes, researchers investigated the diet of the megalodon, the largest shark to have ever lived Megatooth sharks like Otodus megalodon, more commonly known...

Human middle ear evolved from fish gills, shows fossil study

The human middle ear—which houses three tiny, vibrating bones—is key to transporting sound vibrations into the inner ear, where they become nerve impulses that...