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Scientists make fish-free omega-3 supplement from bacteria

An Australian omega-3 supplement made from environmental bacteria is being developed by a University of Sydney research affiliate in a collaboration between academia and...

When did the first animals appear on Earth?

Understanding when the first animals arrived on Earth is a bit like trying to find a small needle in a huge, ancient haystack. Scientists have...

Scientists develop a living camera using DNA to store images

Have you ever wondered if our bodies could store digital information like a computer? Amazingly, scientists from the National University of Singapore, led by Associate...

Why trees are beating shrubs in the race upwards

Climate change is causing many shifts in our ecosystems, one of which is the movement of trees and shrubs to higher altitudes. The line where...

Why does my cat pee on the rug? Are they trying to tell me...

As cat researchers, one of the most common complaints we hear is: "My cat is a jerk! Whenever I do something he doesn't like,...

Jurassic fossils reveal Texas’ ancient marine reptile

Scientists at The University of Texas at Austin have made an exciting breakthrough in Texas' fossil record. They have uncovered the first-known Jurassic vertebrate fossils...

AI to revolutionize barramundi breeding, shows UQ study

Computer simulations are key to bringing aquaculture into line with genetic advances being made in land-based agriculture, according to a University of Queensland researcher. PhD...

Scientists find a tiny fish that defy volunteer’s dilemma

Scientists at the University of Exeter have made a fascinating discovery about Trinidadian guppies, tiny fish known for their colorful appearance. These guppies have challenged...

Scientists discover another step in how your cells assemble

Each cell in your body is an incredibly complicated piece of machinery, and we only know the outlines of how they work. If a cell...

How could mushrooms live for hundreds of years without getting cancer

When it comes to cancer, you'd think animals like elephants that live long and have many cell divisions would have a higher risk than...