Scientists uncover underwater fossil bed, revealing Florida’s prehistoric past
Around 500,000 years ago, a group of horses, sloths, and armadillos met an unfortunate fate when they fell into a sinkhole in Florida’s Big...
Are we alone? Intelligent life may be common in the universe, study finds
For a long time, scientists believed that human-like life was extremely rare in the universe.
The "hard steps" theory, proposed in 1983 by physicist Brandon...
Reintroducing wolves to Scotland could help fight climate change
Bringing wolves back to the Scottish Highlands could help restore native forests and absorb one million metric tons of CO2 every year, according to...
Hawaiian flies evolve super hearing to hunt crickets
Scientists from St. Olaf College and the University of Denver have discovered that a parasitic fly in Hawaii has developed super-sensitive hearing to track...
What’s that smell it’s sulfur – A new tool for finding alien life
Astronomers have identified sulfur as a potentially crucial indicator in narrowing the search for life on other planets.
While sulfur itself is not necessarily an...
Rare male stick insects exist, but they can’t reproduce
Most animals reproduce sexually, meaning they need both males and females to create offspring. However, some species can reproduce without males through a process...
Octopuses have one of the oldest sex chromosomes on Earth, study finds
Scientists have made an exciting discovery about octopuses: they have one of the oldest known sex chromosomes in the animal world!
A team from the...
Scientists confirm nearby super-Earth that could support life
A team of international researchers has confirmed the discovery of an Earth-like exoplanet that may have the right conditions to support life.
The planet, called...
Enceladus’ hidden oceans: Why finding alien life may be harder than we thought
Scientists searching for life beyond Earth often look to ocean worlds like Enceladus, one of Saturn’s icy moons.
Enceladus has a vast ocean beneath its...
Scientists discover “zombie fungus” that controls cave spiders in Ireland
A newly discovered fungus that turns spiders into “zombies” has been found in caves across Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
The discovery was...