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How scientists made an old antibiotic 100 times stronger

Imagine taking an antibiotic that has been around for 70 years and making it up to 100 times more powerful. That’s exactly what Nathaniel Martin,...

How humans helped weedy rice thrive

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have discovered that the feature helping weedy rice varieties spread is still present in nearly all cultivated...

Scientists find first local extinction in the U.S. due to sea level rise

The United States has experienced its first known local extinction due to sea level rise, with the loss of the Key Largo tree cactus. This...

Scientists discover the most complete dinosaur in the UK in a century

A groundbreaking discovery has been made in the UK: the most complete dinosaur skeleton found in the country in the past 100 years. This exciting...

Dogs vs. Pigs: Only dogs form true bonds with humans, study finds

Researchers at the ELTE Department of Ethology in Budapest have discovered that while pigs are social animals, they do not form the same attachment...

Scientists solve brain size mystery: humans break evolutionary trends

A groundbreaking study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution has revealed that the largest animals do not have proportionally bigger brains, with humans being...

Starlings’ migration: It’s all in their genes

Researchers have discovered that young starlings know how to find their wintering grounds without following older, more experienced birds. Even though starlings are social creatures,...

New plant discoveries could lead to climate-proof chocolate

Scientists have discovered three new plant species that are closely related to the tree from which chocolate is made. This exciting find could lead to...

Scientists discover meteor strike sealed the fate of ammonites

Ammonites, those marine creatures with coiled shells that thrived for over 350 million years, met their end alongside the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. Contrary...

How to stop cats from scratching your furniture

Many cat owners know the frustration of finding torn cushions, carpets, and couches due to their cats' scratching. While scratching is a natural behavior for...