Animals & Plants

‘Vegetarian’ possums eat meat when the weather’s cold

When dead animals are left lying around in nature, who takes advantage of the free feed—carnivores or herbivores? The answer may surprise you. In Australia,...

How tiny shrews achieve an astonishing 1,020 beats per minute

The tiny shrew holds a remarkable record with a resting heart rate of up to 1,020 beats per minute, which is around 17 beats...

Amazing ‘scuba-diving’ lizards use air bubbles to breathe underwater and escape predators

In a fascinating discovery, scientists have found that a species of small, semi-aquatic lizard from Costa Rica has developed a unique way to survive...

Scientists find growing up with a dog might protect gut health

If you're a dog lover, you already know how much joy a canine companion can bring. But did you know that having a dog during...

How early life challenges shape survival

New study reveals secrets of marmot longevity. Just like humans, animals that face hardships early in life can suffer long-lasting effects on their health and...

How vegan diets can improve the health of dogs

Recent studies show that vegan diets may not only be good for the environment but also improve the health of dogs. Pet food production uses...

Study shows pet owners don’t have better mental health

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people turned to pets for comfort and companionship, leading to a rise in pet adoptions, often referred to as...

Shark mystery: Who killed the pregnant porbeagle?

In a twist straight out of a marine mystery novel, scientists have discovered that large sharks may be hunting each other. The evidence? A tracking tag...

Why seagulls don’t want your chips as much as you might think

Have you been to the beach this summer? I took my daughter there the other day and got her a pasty for lunch. She was happily...

How dogs understand words using soundboard buttons

If you've come across videos of dogs pressing soundboard buttons to "talk" on social media, you're not alone. These buttons, which allow pets to communicate...