Animals & Plants

Boosting vitamin B1 in rice: a leap forward for global nutrition

In a new study, researchers have found a way to significantly increase the vitamin B1 content in rice, a staple food for half the...

Navigating noisy waters: the impact on whale migration

In the quiet waters of the past, Leonardo da Vinci discovered that sound travels far underwater, a principle that marine animals, especially whales, have...

Sunflower family tree shows flowers’ symmetry came from multiple origins

In the vast and vibrant world of plants, the sunflower family stands out for its sheer diversity, including beloved blossoms like asters, daisies, and...

Study reveals animals coexist with humans by mastering risk assessment

This fascinating study delves into the adaptability and survival strategies of great-tailed grackles in urban environments, shedding light on how animals can thrive amidst...

How brown rats left ships and took over north American cities

Once upon a time, before the bustling streets and towering skylines of modern North American cities, a quiet invasion was taking place. It was not...

Genome discovery sheds new light on bird evolution

Decoding the avian family tree has always been a complex puzzle for scientists, not least because birds, the descendants of dinosaurs that survived the...

New study reveals the power of tiny queens in secret ant world

Have you ever wondered about the tiny rulers of the ant world? Well, researchers from UC Riverside have dived into the mystery of why some...

Chickadees’ brain codes: unique memory markers for hidden food

Black-capped chickadees, small birds known for their remarkable memory, have given scientists at Columbia's Zuckerman Institute new insights into how the brain stores memories. These...

Finding van Gogh in nature: a new gecko species unveiled by scientists

Imagine wandering through the lush landscapes of the Southern Western Ghats in Tamil Nadu, India, where the vibrant hues of nature blend seamlessly with...

The Bengal cat: A tale of nature’s artistry and human curiosity

Imagine a cat with the heart of a home companion and the majestic coat of a wild jungle cat. That's the Bengal cat for...