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Milky Way has 1.5 trillion solar masses, according to Hubble & Gaia

Milky Way has 1.5 trillion solar masses, according to Hubble & Gaia

A new study has shown the mass of the Milky Way: 1.5 trillion solar masses. The finding is from the measurements from the NASA/ESA Hubble...
Scientists discover new clues to evolution of galaxies

Scientists discover new clues to evolution of galaxies

A new study has shown new clues to the evolution of The Cigar Galaxy (also known as M82). The Cigar Galaxy is a starburst galaxy,...
What challenges will astronauts encounter when they get on Mars

What challenges will astronauts encounter when they get on Mars

In a new international study, researchers are trying to solve one of the biggest problems of space travel to Mars: What happens when we get...
Asteroids may be harder to break than we thought

Asteroids may be harder to break than we thought

In a new study, researchers found incoming asteroids may be harder to break than scientists previously thought. The research was conducted by researchers from Johns...
Scientists discover hundreds of thousands of new galaxies

Scientists discover hundreds of thousands of new galaxies

A new international study has discovered hundreds of thousands of previously unknown galaxies using Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) telescope. The new research provides useful information...
Scientists discover planet-wide groundwater system on Mars

Scientists discover planet-wide groundwater system on Mars

In a new study, researchers found the first geological evidence of planet-wide groundwater system on Mars. The Mars Express has shown a system of ancient...
Small objects are surprisingly rare in the Kuiper Belt, says new study

Small objects are surprisingly rare in the Kuiper Belt, says new study

In a recent study, scientists found there were fewer small craters than expected on Pluto and Charon. This implies that the Kuiper Belt may contain...
Scientists discover hidden black hole

Scientists discover a hidden black hole

In a new study, researchers found a hidden black hole from its effects on an interstellar gas cloud. The findings may help scientists understand the...
A star could live with a partner, stellar wind shows

A star could live with a partner, stellar wind shows

A new study published in Nature Astronomy has found that stellar wind could reveal that a second star that circles an old star. The research...
New NASA telescope mission may help scientists find 1400 new planets

New NASA telescope mission may help scientists find 1400 new planets

A new study from at The Ohio State University suggests that a new NASA telescope mission will help scientists find as many as 1,400...