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How molecule H2 made the universe

How molecule H2 made the universe

In a new study, researchers used ultrafast lasers to explore the chemistry of H3+ molecule. They observed how roaming H2 molecules evolve to H3+. H3+...
Scientists develop 3D map to solve cosmic mysteries

Scientists develop 3D map to solve cosmic mysteries

In a new study, researchers from Australian National University have created a new 3D map of the magnetic field in a small wedge of...
Dinosaurs were unaffected by climate change before their extinction

Dinosaurs were unaffected by climate change before their extinction

In a new study, researchers found dinosaurs were unaffected by long-term climate changes before the asteroid strike that wiped them out. The research was conducted...
Why other discovered planets may not support life

Why other discovered planets may not support life

In a new study, scientists found that most planets discovered in other solar systems are unlikely to be as hospitable to life as Earth. The...
Scientists find 83 supermassive black holes in the early universe

Scientists discover 83 supermassive black holes in the early universe

In a new study, scientists have discovered 83 quasars powered by supermassive black holes (SMBH) that were formed in the early Universe. The finding provides...
Scientists find new evidence for massive solar storms

Scientists find new evidence for massive solar storms

In a new study, researchers found additional evidence for massive solar storms. The new research showed the third known case of a massive solar storm...
New discovery about galactic bubbles

New discovery about galactic bubbles

In a new study, researchers found galactic bubbles produce energetic particles. The research was conducted by A team of astronomers from the University of Michigan. Previous...
Supernovae may release hydrogen to companion star before explosion

Supernovae may release hydrogen to companion star before explosion

In a new study, researchers found some stars exploding as supernovae may release their hydrogen layers to their companion stars before the explosion. The research...
Scientists discover water molecules move around the Moon

Scientists discover water molecules move around the Moon

In a new study, researchers observed water molecules moving around the dayside of the Moon. The researchers used an instrument aboard NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter...
New discoveries from Saturn and Jupiter challenge current theories

New discoveries from Saturn and Jupiter challenge current theories

In a new study, researchers found new data sent from Jupiter and Saturn have challenged current theories about how planets form and behave in...