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Mighty radio bursts linked to massive galaxies

Since their discovery in 2007, fast radio bursts—extremely energetic pulses of radio-frequency light—have lit up the sky repeatedly, leading astronomers on a chase to...

Scientists have figured out why Martian soil is so crusty

On November 26, 2018, NASA's Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy, and Heat Transport (InSight) mission landed on Mars. This was a major milestone in...

Habitable worlds are found in safe places

When we think of exoplanets that may be able to support life, we hone in on the habitable zone. A habitable zone is a region...

Feasting black hole found devouring matter at unbelievable speeds in early universe

Astronomers have discovered a black hole in the early universe that is consuming matter at an astonishing rate—more than 40 times the theoretical limit. This...

Scientists uncover how icy Mars once hosted rivers and a vast lake

New research suggests that ancient Mars, despite its icy conditions, once had rivers, lakes, and even a vast Mediterranean-sized lake, all flowing under thick...

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot: Wobbling and shrinking like never before!

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot (GRS) has long been a mystery to astronomers. This massive storm, larger than Earth, has swirled in Jupiter's atmosphere for over...

Another way to extract energy from black holes?

The gravitational field of a rotating black hole is powerful and strange. It is so powerful that it warps space and time back upon itself,...

Microquasar in our galaxy fires powerful radiation towards Earth, study finds

For a long time, astronomers believed that extremely high-energy radiation was produced only in the jets of active galaxies, far from Earth. But new observations...

The aftermath of a neutron star collision resembles the conditions in the early universe

Neutron stars are extraordinarily dense objects, the densest in the Universe. They pack a lot of matter into a small space and can squeeze several...

Voyager 1 is forced to rely on its low power radio

Voyager 1 was launched waaaaaay back in 1977. I would have been 4 years old then! It’s an incredible achievement that technology that was built...