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possibe water plumes on europa

NASA’s Hubble spots possible water plumes on Jupiter’s moon Europa

Astronomers from NASA reported that Hubble Space Telescope took images of possible water plumes erupting from Jupiter’s icy moon Europa. In Hubble’s early work, it...

Scientists find new ways to observe stars swallowed by a black hole

When a star passes within a supermassive black hole, it will be tidally disrupted. The disruption can produce a sudden gas injection close to...

Did enormous volcanoes lead to oceans on Mars

Have you ever wondered how oceans could have existed on Mars billions of years ago? A new theory suggests that these oceans formed way earlier...
Lunar Reconnaissance orbiter

Six years of scientific exploration at the moon

On June 23, 2009, NASA robotic Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) entered the lunar orbit. Since then, it has been working successfully in science and...
Cosmic Rays and the Heliopause

Using smartphones to search for ultra-high energy cosmic rays

Cosmic rays are high-energy charged particles that originate in outer space. They travel at nearly the speed of light and strike the Earth from...
The Coming and Going of Ice on Mars _NASA

The change of glacier-like forms on Mars

Glaciers are made up of fallen snow that compresses into large, thick ice masses over many years. The formation and change of glaciers can show...
space tourism

60 years of space tourism

Although humans have dreamed of traveling in the space since ancient times, the actual space tourism was only developed in the past 60 years. A...
Mars 500

Mars 500: the story of a 520-day simulated mission to Mars

A Mars trip is a long journey. How to stay mentally healthy during the long trip is an important issue. Between 2007 and 2011, Russia,...
Why citizen astronomers are so important

Why citizen astronomers are so important

We love the starry sky. And we see people who observe stars with telescopes in their spare time. They could be your colleagues, neighbors, family...
Solar Corona

See the solar corona in 3D

The solar corona is an aura of plasma surrounding the sun. It extends millions of kilometers into space and is most easily seen during...