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These two galaxies have almost no dark matter

In two new study, researchers confirmed that they have found a galaxy with almost no dark matter. The studies were led by Yale University researchers. In...
The Sun’s magnetic field is ten times stronger than previously thought

The Sun’s magnetic field is ten times stronger than previously thought

In a new study, scientists found the Sun’s magnetic field is ten times stronger than previously believed. This is the first time scientists have been...
Mars may still have active deep groundwater, says new study

Mars may still have active deep groundwater, says new study

In a new study, researchers suggest deep groundwater may still be active on Mars. In addition, the deep groundwater could originate surface streams in some...
Scientists develop a new type of airplane wing

Scientists develop a new type of airplane wing

In a new study, a team of engineers from MIT and NASA has developed a radically new kind of airplane wing, which is assembled...
Neptune’s newest moon could be part of a larger moon

Neptune’s newest moon could be part of a larger moon

In a new study, scientists found that the Neptune’s newest moon Hippocamp could be a part of a larger moon. The Neptune’s tiniest moon was...
Mars' rivers flowed stronger and later than previous thought, says new study

Mars’ rivers flowed stronger and later than previous thought, says study

In a new study, researchers found Mars' rivers flowed stronger and more than previously thought. The new study was conducted by University of Chicago scientists. Mars...
Scientists found most promising habitable exoplanets

Scientists found most promising habitable exoplanets

In a new study, researchers identified the most promising target stars for life. The list is for NASA's new Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). It is...
Scientists discover new Saturn-sized planet

Scientists discover new Saturn-sized planet

In a new study, researchers from NASA's new TESS Mission have discovered a Saturn-sized planet. The planet - TOI 197.01 (TOI is short for "TESS...
Scientists discover birth of giant storm on Neptune

Scientists discover birth of giant storm on Neptune

In the new study, researchers observed the formation of a Great Dark Spot on Neptune for the first time. They used the Hubble Space Telescope...
Scientists discover new evidence for Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis

Scientists discover new evidence for Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis

In a new study, researchers have discovered new evidence to support the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis. The theory suggests that a fragmented comet slammed into...