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These breadloaf-size satellites capture soft X-rays from the Sun

In a new study, researchers found that the twin Miniature X-ray Solar Spectometer (MinXSS) CubeSats measured soft X-rays from the Sun effectively. These breadloaf-size satellites...
Scientists discover our planet is a stable version of the Sun

Scientists discover our planet is a stable version of the Sun

In a new study, scientists have found that Earth is made of the same elements as the Sun. However, there are less volatile elements such...
Scientists find a massive star-forming region of Milky Way

Scientists find a massive star-forming region of Milky Way

In a new study, researchers have made new observations of a massive star-forming region of the outer Milky Way. This is the first high-resolution, radio...
Scientists find a new way to protect the Earth from asteroids

Scientists find a new way to protect the Earth from asteroids

In 2013, Chelyabinsk meteor caused extensive ground damage and injuries when it exploded on impact with Earth's atmosphere. The meteor is not a big one....
Watch this Surprising view of the Southern Crab Nebula marks Hubble’s 29th birthday

Watch this: Surprising view of the Southern Crab Nebula marks Hubble’s 29th birthday

In a new study, researchers have shown a surprising new image of the Southern Crab Nebula. The image was captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space...

New evidence of Mercury’s inner solid core

In a new study, researchers found new evidence that Mercury's inner core is indeed solid. They also found that the inner solid core has the...
This small, cool star has super-flare 10 times more powerful than that on Sun

This small, cool star has super-flare 10 times more powerful than that on the...

In a new study, researchers found a star as big as Jupiter has an explosion 10 times more powerful than that can be seen...
Scientists make new discovery of the early universe

Scientists make new discovery of the early universe

In a new study, researchers found that the large difference the 'fogginess' of the early universe were caused by islands of cold gas. The cold...
Titan's lakes are surprisingly deep

Scientists find Titan’s lakes are surprisingly deep

In a new study, researchers found that small liquid lakes in Titan's northern hemisphere are surprisingly deep. The finding was made based on the data...
Scientists discover a new planet in Kepler-47 system

Scientists discover a new planet in Kepler-47 system

In a new study, researchers have discovered a new planet in the Kepler-47 system. This is the third planet in the system, and now Kepler-47...