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What a dying star's ashes tell us about the birth of our solar system

What a dying star’s ashes tell us about the birth of our solar system

A grain of dust forged in the death throes of a long-gone star was discovered by a team of researchers led by the University...
This element makes the universe look like a toddler

This element makes the universe look like a toddler

In terms of longevity, the universe has nothing on xenon 124. Theory predicts the isotope's radioactive decay has a half-life that surpasses the age of...
Two neutron stars collided near the solar system 4.6 billion years ago

Two neutron stars collided near the solar system 4.6 billion years ago

Astrophysicists Szabolcs Marka at Columbia University and Imre Bartos at the University of Florida, have identified a violent collision of two neutron stars 4.6...
Astronomers create largest 'history book' image of the universe

Astronomers create largest ‘history book’ image of the universe

Astronomers have assembled a mosaic of nearly 7,500 images of one part of the sky, creating the largest and most comprehensive history book of...
How a planet’s composition and interior influence its habitability

How a planet’s composition and interior influence its habitability

Which of Earth’s features were essential for the origin and sustenance of life? And how do scientists identify those features on other worlds? A team...
Scientists confirm a nova observation 2000 years ago

Scientists confirm a nova observation 2000 years ago

In a new study, scientists have discovered the remains of a nova in a galactic globular cluster. They used modern instrument and found that the...
Scientists discover how a dwarf galaxy contributes to growth of the Milky Way

Scientists discover how a dwarf galaxy contributes to growth of the Milky Way

In a new study, scientists have discovered how a dwarf galaxy contributes to the growth of the Milky Way. The finding is from a chemically...
Scientists find new evidence supporting the existence of dark matter

Scientists find new evidence supporting the existence of dark matter

In a new study, scientists have found new evidence to support the existence of dark matter. The finding removes the recent doubts on the presence...
Ice wraps nearly half surface of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon

Ice wraps nearly half surface of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon

In a new study, scientists have discovered new ice feature on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. They found that a long ice wraps nearly halfway around...
Watch this Space rock hits the Moon with a speed of 61,000 kilometers an hour

This space rock hits the Moon with a speed of 61,000 kilometers an hour

In a new study, scientists have discovered that a meteorite hit the lunar surface with a speed of 61,000 kilometers an hour during the...