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How the moon landing still shapes our lives

It’s hard to overstate the significance of the Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969. Whether you view it as an unlikely feat of...

Lunar soil could power future moon base

Building a lunar base would be one of the next logical steps in our exploration of the Solar System, but the survival of a...

Why planting a flag on the moon was so hard?

When Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted the United States flag on the moon 50 years ago on July 20, 1969,...

New measurement of universe’s expansion rate is ‘stuck in the middle’

Scientists from Carnegie and the University of Chicago used red giant stars that were observed by the Hubble Space Telescope to make an entirely...

Could humans live in lava tubes on the moon

In 2017, Purdue University researchers helped discover a lava tube on the moon that could protect astronauts from hazardous conditions on the surface. Now,...
Scientists discover a material way to make Mars habitable

Scientists discover a material way to make Mars habitable

Silica aerogel could warm the Martian surface similar to the way greenhouse gasses keep Earth warm. People have long dreamed of re-shaping the Martian climate...

10 trillion asteroid-sized objects may carry life, says Harvard study

Picture this: A bacteria-carrying asteroid is ejected from the center of the galaxy into the far reaches of space only to be “captured” by...
Scientists discover moon-forming disk around distant planet

Scientists discover moon-forming disk around distant exoplanet

Using Earth's most powerful array of radio telescopes, astronomers have made the first observations of a circumplanetary disk of gas and dust like the...
Scientists discover two supermassive black holes headed for a collision

Scientists discover two supermassive black holes headed for a collision

Astronomers have spotted a distant pair of titanic black holes headed for a collision. Each black hole's mass is more than 800 million times that...

Scientists expand cosmic ‘cheat sheet’ to search for alien life in exoplanets

To understand where exoplanets are in their own evolution, astronomers can use Earth’s biological milestones as a Rosetta stone. Using nature's color palette from early...