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Moon has more water ice than previously thought–it’s just buried below the surface

There may be enough water to sustain a future lunar settlement. The polar regions of the moon may contain significantly more water ice than previously...

Einstein’s general relativity theory is questioned but still stands for now

Does the physicist’s theory tell the full story? A detailed analysis of a star’s orbit near supermassive black hole gives a look into how gravity...

How supermassive black holes shape their host galaxies

Data from ESA's XMM-Newton X-ray observatory has revealed how supermassive black holes shape their host galaxies with powerful winds that sweep away interstellar matter. In...

Scientists discover two dead stars whipping around each other in minutes

Two dead stars have been spotted whipping around each other every seven minutes. The rare celestial find was made using Caltech's Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF),...

Scientists map vast void in our Milky Way neighborhood

Scientists reveal more of the vast cosmic structure surrounding the Milky Way galaxy in a recent study The universe is a tapestry of galaxy congregations...

Astronomers make first calculations of magnetic activity in ‘hot Jupiter’ exoplanets

Gas-giant planets orbiting close to other stars have powerful magnetic fields, many times stronger than our own Jupiter, according to a new study. It is...

What gives meteorites their shape? New study uncovers a ‘Goldilocks’ answer

Meteoroids coming from outer space are randomly shaped, but many of these, which land on earth as meteorites, are found to be carved into...

Where next for space exploration?

Everyone is talking about our achievements in space since the moon landing 50 years ago, but what new ‘giant leap’ will we all be...

Space study helps people on Earth with low blood pressure condition

Ever stand up too quickly and see stars? Fainting from low blood pressure can be dangerous for astronauts as well as for patients. With the 50th...

Exercise in space could help astronauts prevent dizziness and fainting on Earth

Up to two hours of endurance and resistance exercises daily during a long space flight mission, combined with IV fluid replacement after landing, helps...