Scientists create ultra-sensitive infrared detector for starlight detection
A research team led by Professor Zhang Zhiyong at Peking University has developed groundbreaking technology that allows for the detection of extremely faint starlight...
Scientists discover fast-spinning white dwarf in unusual binary system
Astronomers have uncovered fascinating details about a rare binary star system called HD 49798/RX J0648.0–4418, located 1,700 light-years away in the southern sky.
Recent research...
Latest discoveries in deep space exploration
The universe is vast and full of mysteries, and recent advancements in astronomy are helping us uncover secrets about deep space like never before.
Scientists discover carbon’s cosmic journey through galaxies
Carbon, the essential building block of life, has a remarkable origin story.
Nearly all elements beyond hydrogen and helium, including carbon, oxygen, and iron, are...
How Mars dust storms can engulf the planet
Mars is well-known for its dust storms, which occur every Martian year during summer in the southern hemisphere.
Every three Martian years (five and a...
This fast radio burst definitely came from a neutron star
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are notoriously difficult to study.
They are flashes of radio light that can outshine a galaxy but often last for only...
Scientists discover “dark comets” come in two populations
On October 19th, 2017, the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System-1 (Pan-STARRS-1) in Hawaii announced the first-ever detection of an interstellar object, named...
Could habitable white dwarf planets retain their oceans
Potentially habitable exoplanets are so incredibly common that astronomers have started to consider more unusual situations where life might arise.
Perhaps life can be found...
Exciting advances in space missions 2024
Space exploration continues to push the boundaries of human knowledge, and 2024 has been a remarkable year for advancements in this field.
From new discoveries...
Could there be bacteria living on Mars today
Mars is often considered to be the planet most similar to the Earth.
Earth however, is capable of supporting life, Mars on the other hand...