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Mars’ wobble could reveal the mystery of dark matter, finds study

In a fascinating new study, physicists from MIT propose that a small wobble in Mars' orbit might help solve one of the biggest mysteries...

Did Mars once have a third, larger moon

We are all familiar with our one Moon but other planets have different numbers of moons; Mercury has none, Jupiter has 95 and Mars...

Scientists create a cloud atlas to study Mars’ atmosphere

Mars may have a thin atmosphere, but its skies are filled with fascinating cloud formations and dust storms. Now, thanks to a new tool called...

How a swarm of robots could unlock Mars’ giant canyon

Scientists are working on a plan to explore one of the most mysterious places on Mars: Valles Marineris, the largest canyon in the solar...

Scientists discover new materials to protect astronauts from radiation on Mars

Scientists have made an exciting discovery that could help protect astronauts from the dangerous cosmic radiation they would face on Mars. Because Mars lacks the...

Ancient rocks in Mars’ Jezero crater confirm habitability

According to NASA’s Perseverance rover, ancient rocks in Jezero Crater formed in the presence of water. These sedimentary rocks are more than 3.5 billion years...

Scientists find new way to make Mars habitable

For years, scientists have wondered if Mars, with its cold and barren surface, could ever be made more hospitable to life. A new study published...

New study reveals Mars rocks that hold clues to ancient water and life

Rocks collected on Mars by NASA’s Perseverance rover could hold vital clues about the planet’s watery past and even the possibility of ancient life. However,...

Scientists discover vast underground water on Mars

In an exciting discovery, scientists have found evidence of a massive underground reservoir of water on Mars. This reservoir is so large that it could...

Mars rover finds element that’s essential to life

NASA’s one-ton rover, which for the past 12 years has been searching for the building blocks of life on Mars, has discovered something never...