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Human Mars mission could be safe if it doesn’t exceed four years, shows study

Sending human travelers to Mars would require scientists and engineers to overcome a range of technological and safety obstacles. One of them is the grave...

Mars’ bright south pole reflections may be clay, not water, shows study

Bright reflections observed at Mars’ south pole serve as evidence for water. But, seeing may be deceiving. After measuring the area’s electrical properties with orbiting,...

Clays, not water, are likely source of Mars lakes

Three studies published in the past month have cast doubt on the premise of subsurface lakes below the Martian south pole. Where there’s water, there’s...

Scientists use seismic data to look inside Mars for the first time

Since early 2019, researchers have been recording and analyzing marsquakes as part of the InSight mission. This relies on a seismometer whose data acquisition and...

Mars isn’t dead. Its volcanoes could still be active

Most volcanism on the Red Planet occurred between 3 and 4 billion years ago, with smaller eruptions in isolated locations continuing perhaps as recently...

Volcanoes on Mars might still be active, shows study

Back in March, NASA’s InSight lander detected two large quakes from a geologically active region of Mars called the Cerberus Fossae. Now, using imagery from...

Mars has the right conditions for life just under the surface

According to the immortal words of Ian Malcom (Jeff Goldblum) “Life..uh…finds a way”. Back in 2005, an article in Nature used the famous quote from...

Icy clouds could have kept early Mars warm enough to have rivers and lakes

One of the great mysteries of modern space science is neatly summed up by the view from NASA's Perseverance, which just landed on Mars: Today...

Mars has right ingredients for microbial life beneath its surface, shows study

New study suggests that rocks in the Martian crust could produce the same kind of chemical energy that supports microbial life deep beneath Earth’s...

Scientists discover new type of ancient crater lake on Mars

Researchers from Brown University have discovered a previously unknown type of ancient crater lake on Mars that could reveal clues about the planet's early...