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Lasers could send missions to Mars in only 45 days

NASA and China plan to mount crewed missions to Mars in the next decade. While this represents a tremendous leap in terms of space exploration,...

When did Mars lose its global magnetic field

Billions of years ago, Mars was once a much different place than the cold and desiccated place it is today. Basically, it had a thicker,...

How Mars lost its oceans

It has long been known that Mars once had oceans due in part to a protective magnetic field similar to Earth’s. However, the magnetic field...

Salty water could emerge onto the surface of Mars in some places

The existence of water on Mars is a contentious subject. We know there used to be water on the surface of the planet, though it’s...

Scientists find a ‘one-off gift’ from Martian meteorite

Scientists find the first evidence of high-intensity damage caused by asteroid impact from a Martian meteorite. The new finding has implications for understanding when conditions...

Liquid water flowed on Mars much longer than previously thought

Mars once rippled with rivers and ponds billions of years ago, providing a potential habitat for microbial life. As the planet's atmosphere thinned over time,...

Liquid water on Mars may be only a dusty mirage

Liquid water previously detected under Mars’ ice-covered south pole is probably just a dusty mirage, according to a new study of the red planet...

Newly discovered carbon may yield clues to ancient Mars

NASA's Curiosity rover landed on Mars on Aug. 6, 2012, and since then has roamed Gale Crater taking samples and sending the results back...

Organic molecules found in this Martian meteorite are not from the Earth, shows study

Organic molecules found in a meteorite that hurtled to Earth from Mars were synthesized during interactions between water and rocks that occurred on the...

This Mars-sized planet orbits extremely close to its host star

The planetary nature of a Mars-sized object orbiting extremely closely to an M-dwarf star has been validated using the Penn State Habitable-zone Planet Finder...