Black Hole

Could tiny black holes be hiding in planets or even everyday objects?

When you think of black holes, you probably imagine massive stars collapsing under their own gravity. But scientists have long theorized the existence of primordial...

Could primordial black holes be hiding in plain sight

Are Primordial Black Holes real? They could’ve formed in the unusual physics that dominated the Universe shortly after the Big Bang. The idea dates back to...

Black holes may be more chaotic than we ever imagined

Black holes are some of the most fascinating objects in the universe. They are formed entirely from gravity, simple in appearance but hiding mysteries that...

New study suggests black holes get their “hair” from their mothers

Despite decades of study, black holes are still one of the most puzzling objects in the Universe. As we know from Einstein’s Theory of General...

The biggest black holes may start from the tiniest seeds

The existence of gigantic black holes in the very early universe challenges our assumptions of how black holes form and grow. New research suggests that...

Astronomers map the shape of a black hole’s corona for the first time

If you were lucky enough to observe a total eclipse, you are certain to remember the halo of brilliant light around the Moon during...

Two supermassive black holes on the verge of a merger

In March 2021, astronomers observed a high-energy burst of light from a distant galaxy. Assigned the name AT 2021hdr, it was thought to be...

Early black holes fed 40x faster than should be possible

The theory goes that black holes accrete material, often from nearby stars. However the theory also suggests there is a limit to how big a...

How did supermassive black holes get so big, so early

Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) can have billions of solar masses, and observational evidence suggests that all large galaxies have one at their centres. However, the...

A star disappeared in Andromeda, replaced by a black hole

Massive stars about eight times more massive than the Sun explode as supernovae at the end of their lives. The explosions, which leave behind a...