Black Hole

The closest black holes to earth are probably hidden in this nearby star cluster

In the constellation Taurus, there is a cluster of a few hundred stars known as the Hyades. The cluster is just 150 light-years away, and...

Scientists find the closest black holes to Earth in our cosmic backyard

Imagine having mysterious cosmic monsters right next door! Scientists say they might have found the closest black holes to Earth ever, and guess where they...

A black hole nibbles on a star every 22 days, slowly consuming it

Astronomers working with NASA’s Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory have spotted something unusual. The observatory’s X-Ray Telescope (XRT) has captured emissions from a supermassive black hole...

Some galaxies contain double supermassive black holes

Blazars occupy an intriguing spot in the cosmic zoo. They’re bright active galactic nuclei (AGN) that blast out cosmic rays, are bright in radio emission,...

How a black hole swallowed and spat out a star’s remains

Have you ever wondered what happens to a star that gets too close to a black hole? Astronomers from the University of Michigan have...

Astronomers spy on the outskirts of a black hole for the first time!

Imagine a supermassive black hole sitting at the center of a far-off galaxy. Around this black hole, there’s a spinning whirlpool of gas and dust...

James Webb Space Telescope survey shows fewer supermassive black holes than we thought

You know how space movies always show black holes as these scary, all-consuming monsters? Well, scientists have been using a really powerful telescope to look...

Scientists observe the outskirts of a supermassive black hole’s accretion disk

Astronomers have taken an unprecedented leap in understanding the mechanics of supermassive black holes and their accompanying accretion disks. A recent study led by Denimara...

Universe has surprisingly fewer supermassive black holes than we thought

Did you know that at the center of every galaxy, including our own Milky Way, there's a supermassive black hole? These aren't just any black...

Star gets eaten by a giant black hole, and scientists get a close-up look

Ever wondered what happens when a star gets too close to a black hole? Well, it gets torn apart and thrown into space! This is what...