In spring, people tend to spend more time outdoors enjoying the warm weather.
When having picnics outdoor, most people don’t realize that some of their favorite foods may bring health risks.
Experts from Michigan Medicine provide tips about how to prepare, handle and store these foods correctly.
Grilled Entrees
It is important to check closely to ensure bristles from your grill brush haven’t gotten stuck in the food.
This is a risk cited by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
It may be harmful because the sharp wire bristles can be accidentally swallowed. It can puncture the tissues of the throat and lead to severe pain.
You should inspect the grill surface after cleaning carefully.
Avocados are great food for picnics. But when you cut them, you need to be careful.
People often hold avocados in their hands while slicing them open. The knife can cut through the fruit’s tough skin and cause a potentially serious hand injury.
It is better to use a cutting board and make sure the avocado is ripe.
You should also clean the cutting board and knife between food items to avoid cross-contamination.
Potato and macaroni salads
If you leave the salads under the sun, the high temperature may cause them to grow bacteria, which may contribute to food poisoning.
Remember to always keep cold foods stored below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Once served, the salads shouldn’t sit out longer than two hours.
Lettuce and fresh foods
When you eat lettuce and other fresh foods, be sure that you’re thoroughly rinsing them.
Lettuce can carry bacteria such as listeria, which can lead to food poisoning. Other fresh produce could carry traces of bacteria or fertilizers.
Charred meats
Research has shown that grilling meat at high temperatures can bring health risks.
This is because substances in the meats’ muscle proteins react under high heat to form carcinogenic compounds that may increase cancer risk.
Alcoholic drinks
Many alcoholic drinks can make you dehydrated.
When you drink a lot of alcohol, you may have problems in balance and judgment, which can be dangerous if you near an open flame, pond or swimming pool.
It is important to drink a lot of water never engage in potentially dangerous activities after drinking.
It is dangerous to eat raw or undercooked chicken.
When you cook chicken breasts, they reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
You need to wipe down and sanitize surfaces where raw chicken was placed to reduce your risk of salmonella.
It is also important to rinse the area with clean water after using disinfectants.
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