Scientists discover fountain of youth for heart health in the gut

Scientists discover fountain of youth for heart health in the gut

In a new study, researchers found the gut may hold the clue why blood vessels stiffen and degrade when people get old.

Blood vessels stiffness is a big risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

The research was conducted by researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder.

Previous studies have shown that as people age, their heart health becomes worse.

For example, at 45, heart disease risk may begin to creep up. By age 60-79, 70% of people in the United States have it. After age 80, more than 80% of people have it.

But it is unknown why this happens. Scientists have figured out that oxidative stress and inflammation could make arteries unhealthy over time.

But they don’t know why arteries begin to get inflamed and stressed when people are older.

In the current study, the team examined gave young and old mice broad-spectrum antibiotics to kill the majority of bacteria living in their gut.

They then examined the vascular health and stiffness of large arteries in all of the mice.

They found after 3-4 weeks of the treatment, the old mice showed better vascular health. This effect was not seen in young mice.

The findings suggest that the gut microbiome may lead to vascular dysfunction.

The team also examined fecal samples of the mice and found that in old mice, the fecal samples contained more microbes that are pro-inflammatory.

These microbes have been linked to chronic diseases by previous research.

To further confirm their finding, the team measured blood levels of metabolites in young and old mice.

They found in old mice, there was a much higher level of a metabolite linked to heart attack and stroke.

The researchers explain that when people are older, gut microbiota begins producing toxic molecules.

These toxic molecules can get into the bloodstream and cause inflammation and oxidative stress and damage tissue.

The team hopes their new findings may help develop interventions to prevent heart disease.

But now they don’t suggest people use antibiotics as a fountain of youth for heart health.

Antibiotics can bring many side-effects and other problems. It is better to have diets high in probiotic-rich cultured food like yogurt and prebiotic fiber.

These diets could help promote healthy gut microbiome and protect heart health.

This is the first study showing that the gut microbiome change with aging and could affect vascular health.

The lead author of the study is Vienna Brunt, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Integrative Physiology.

The study is published in Journal of Physiology.

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