Scientists develop new quantum technology for ultra-high-density optical memory storage

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As the digital world continues to produce enormous amounts of data—over 2 quintillion bytes every day—our current storage technologies are struggling to keep up.

Optical memory devices, which use light to read and store data, are seen as a promising solution because they are durable, fast, and energy-efficient.

Now, researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago have proposed a new type of optical memory that could store data more efficiently and at higher densities than ever before.

The research team, led by Giulia Galli, a senior scientist at Argonne, and her colleagues studied how to transfer optical data from a rare earth element embedded in a solid material to a nearby quantum defect.

Their findings, published in Physical Review Research, lay the groundwork for creating a highly efficient new type of optical storage.

In the past, optical storage devices like CDs and DVDs have been limited by the diffraction of light.

This means that a single data point cannot be smaller than the wavelength of the laser used to read and write data.

The new approach, however, could overcome this limitation by embedding many rare-earth emitters within a material. These emitters can absorb and re-emit light at specific, narrow wavelengths.

By using different wavelengths—an approach called wavelength multiplexing—these emitters could hold much more data in a smaller space.

To test this idea, the researchers created models of a theoretical material filled with narrow-band rare-earth emitters. They showed how these emitters absorb light and then transfer it to a nearby quantum defect. The defect then stores the energy.

The team used advanced quantum mechanical theories to understand how energy is transferred between the emitters and the defects.

Their models revealed that when the defect absorbed energy from the emitters, it also flipped its spin state, a change that is difficult to reverse. This suggests that these defects could store data for long periods of time, making them useful for data storage.

Although the researchers still need to answer some key questions, like how long the defects can hold this energy and how to retrieve the stored data, this discovery is a major step toward creating ultra-high-density optical memory.

If successful, this technology could revolutionize data storage by offering a safer, more efficient, and compact way to store information in the digital age.