This common drug may raise risk of heart rhythm disorder

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New research from the University of Birmingham and German collaborators has uncovered a troubling connection between the use of anabolic steroids and an increased risk of a heart condition known as atrial fibrillation.

This discovery is particularly concerning for young men who use these substances to enhance muscle mass, often driven by trends on social media platforms like TikTok.

Anabolic steroids are synthetic versions of the male hormone testosterone and are widely known for their use in bodybuilding.

While these steroids can help build muscle, the study led by Dr. Laura Sommerfeld from UKE Hamburg highlights a significant downside: the potential risk they pose to heart health, especially for those with a genetic predisposition to heart conditions.

The research specifically examines the link between anabolic steroids and a heart condition called arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). ARVC is a disease that affects the formation of cell connections vital for the stability of the heart muscle.

This condition is more common and severe in men, and the study suggests that anabolic steroids can make it worse, leading to atrial fibrillation, a type of irregular heart rhythm.

The research team’s findings are concerning. They discovered that just six weeks of anabolic steroid use could disrupt the normal function of cell connections and sodium channels in the heart tissue.

This disruption slows down the electrical signals in the atria, the upper chambers of the heart, which can increase the likelihood of electrical problems. These issues are particularly risky for young men who may already have a genetic predisposition to heart conditions.

Professor Larissa Fabritz, one of the study’s authors, emphasized the serious impact that elevated testosterone levels can have on heart muscle diseases like ARVC.

She pointed out that these heart muscle diseases can lead to life-threatening heart rhythm disturbances, making the misuse of anabolic steroids a significant health concern.

The study sheds light on a risk that many young men may not be aware of: the potential heart-related consequences of using anabolic steroids.

As the trend of using these substances for muscle building grows, often fueled by social media, this research serves as a crucial warning about the dangers involved.

For those concerned about heart health, it’s essential to be aware of the broader context of how different substances and dietary choices can impact the heart.

Other studies have shown that even herbal supplements, which are often considered safe, could potentially harm heart rhythm. On the other hand, some foods, like eggs and yogurt, have been linked to reduced risks of heart disease and death from heart-related conditions.

This new research, published in The Journal of Physiology, underscores the importance of understanding how lifestyle choices, including the misuse of anabolic steroids, can have serious and lasting effects on heart health.

It’s a reminder that what may seem like a harmless effort to enhance physical appearance can lead to severe and potentially life-threatening consequences.

For more insights and information about maintaining a healthy heart, it’s advisable to stay informed about the latest research findings and consult with healthcare professionals when considering any substances that could impact heart health.

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