Research finds new cause of prostate cancer development

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Scientists have made an exciting discovery that could change how we treat prostate cancer. The team, led by Lukas Kenner at MedUni Vienna, has been studying a protein that plays a big role in the body.

This protein, known as KMT2C, is important because it helps control various functions inside our cells.

Prostate cancer is a common type of cancer among men. Often, this cancer stays within the prostate gland and does not cause major issues, allowing many patients to survive.

However, in about 20% of cases, the cancer spreads beyond the prostate, becoming more dangerous and harder to treat.

For a long time, doctors and researchers didn’t understand why some prostate cancers spread while others did not. The research from MedUni Vienna sheds light on this mystery through their work with the protein KMT2C.

They found that when this protein is changed by mutations—which are alterations in the DNA—it can’t do its job properly.

When KMT2C doesn’t work right, it allows another gene called MYC to become overly active. MYC is a problem because when it’s too active, it causes cells to divide and grow too quickly, which can lead to the cancer spreading.

One of the exciting parts of this research is that it could lead to a simple blood test that checks for mutations in the KMT2C protein. This test could tell doctors whether a patient’s cancer is likely to spread, which would help in planning the best treatment early on.

Moreover, the findings suggest a new way to treat this aggressive cancer. There are drugs, known as MYC inhibitors, that are designed to block the activity of the MYC gene.

These drugs are still being tested, but they might be a powerful way to treat prostate cancer that has spread.

If these findings are confirmed by further studies, it could mean a big change in how doctors handle prostate cancer, particularly the types that are more likely to spread and cause serious health problems.

This would be a huge step forward, as it could improve treatment and potentially save lives.

Understanding the role of KMT2C mutations in prostate cancer is a significant advance. It not only helps explain why some cancers get worse, but it also opens up new possibilities for diagnosis and treatment.

This could mean a lot for patients facing this challenging disease, offering them more hope for effective treatment options in the future.

If you care about cancer, please read studies that a low-carb diet could increase overall cancer risk, and vitamin D supplements could strongly reduce cancer death.

For more information about health, please see recent studies about how drinking milk affects the risks of heart disease and cancer and results showing higher intake of dairy foods linked to higher prostate cancer risk.

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