Promising drug lowers kidney failure risk for people with type 2 diabetes

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Individuals with type 2 diabetes who also suffer from kidney disease face an exceptionally high risk of kidney failure, heart attacks, strokes, and death.

Researchers at Stanford University have conducted a study that offers hope, revealing that a drug can reduce the risk of kidney failure by a third in people with type 2 diabetes and kidney disease.

The study involved 4,401 participants from 34 countries who received the best available care for kidney disease, known as renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) blockade therapy.

Half of the participants were randomly assigned to receive the drug canagliflozin, while the other half received a placebo.

Key Findings

The researchers discovered that canagliflozin represents a significant advancement over the nearly two-decade-old therapy that is currently the sole treatment approved to safeguard kidney function in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Furthermore, canagliflozin may also reduce the risk of major heart disease events.

Here are the key findings of the study:

Participants taking canagliflozin had a 30% lower risk of developing kidney failure or experiencing death due to renal failure or heart disease compared to the placebo group.

The risk of kidney failure or death from kidney failure was reduced by 34% among participants taking canagliflozin.

There was a 31% decrease in the risk of hospitalization for heart failure or death due to cardiac causes among those taking canagliflozin.

The researchers explained that canagliflozin enhances glucose excretion through the kidneys.

It has already received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for lowering blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes and for reducing the risk of major adverse heart events in patients with type 2 diabetes and existing heart disease.


The study marks a significant breakthrough, offering a therapy for patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease that effectively reduces the risk of kidney failure.

This development provides patients with diabetes a promising option to mitigate one of the most severe risks associated with their condition.

Kidney health, particularly in individuals with diabetes, can significantly benefit from this new treatment option.

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